Traveling through Vietnam from north to south is a fantastic experience as the country is both beautiful and attractive in every way imaginable. At the same time, it is also a meeting with a culture and a population that has faced resistance through more wars, oppression, occupations and poverty than many other countries have.
Vietnam is not ‘just’ a country – it is a population and a culture that has survived against all odds and has once again embarked on a new journey. A journey where the country must be rebuilt and thus become a unified Vietnam with peace and coexistence.
The Vietnamese people have begun to believe that this is feasible, but it is only with the new generations of young people who have chosen to study that a real reconstruction of the country has begun. Creating a sustainable society, reducing pollution and, not least, preserving their identity and cultural values are just some of the new challenges they face.
The aim of the “Faces of Vietnam” project is to show and document the people, the Vietnamese way of life and work. The photographs are primarily from the cities of Vietnam and do not include photos of the stunning scenery, cultural sites or traditional tourist attractions, etc. – Documenting this would require both a longer journey and financial support in order to accomplish this.